Category children

Success Story from the Gambia: Salimatou Fatty, Advocate for Children’s and Women’s Rights

Salimatou Fatty was born in Kerewan village in the North Bank Division of the Gambia in 1994 to modest and loving parents Aja Fatoumatta Jarra Ceesay and Alhajie Saikou Fatty. When she was just one year old, her father passed away. Salimatou is the seventh of her mother’s nine children, but has nearly 20 siblings […]

Success Story from Burundi: “Maggy” Barankitse Helps Orphaned Children

Story UPDATED in December 2015. Marguerite Barankitse, better known as Maggy, was born in Ruyigi, Burundi. She lost her father at a very young age and grew up with her mother, brother, and in the close company of her grandparents and uncles. Her mother adopted eight children, demonstrating the importance of loving one’s neighbors and […]